
Reviving an old railway tradition – ‘The MIC’!

The railway worker’s Mutual Improvement Class movement lasted over 150 years. We’ve revived it! On the second Wednesday of every month, at 14.00, we have a guest speaker, covering some aspect of railway history – usually with a ‘social/people’ emphasis.

Our next talk: Wednesday August 14th 14.00. Chris Kimberley: 50 Years of Railway Life

Chris is a highly experienced railway manager who has spent over 50 years on railways in the North, across the UK and abroad. Come and here his reflections on a brilliant career.

Pre-booking for all talks is essential as we only have limited space. Ring 07795 008691

Open days: We have a ‘special’ open every second Saturday from 11.00 to 16.00 – browse the collection, borrow from our Lending Library, or pick up a bargain! Visitors are offered tea, coffee and biscuits (sometimes even cake!).

Saturday and Sunday August 10/11: The Fifteen Guinea Special : were you there? We will celebrate the memory of 1T57, the alst steam train on BR which ran from Liverpool via Manchester to Carlisle on Sunday August 11th 1968. Bring along photos, memorabilia, and memories….